Loving Men & Boys

Taste of the Tool box in RELATING with males


Location: Cooroibah, Sunshine Coast, Qld

(16kms from Noosa Junction)

$40 per session

Open to all females over 16 years of age

OR … Mother & Daughter combination (12yo+) $60 cash on day

A half day session aiming to spark new life into the concept of CONNECTION between male and female.

A different way to communicate with men … by taking a curious little peak into behaviour and the impact our words, actions, and energies have on our relationships – whether as a parent, teacher, actually, everyone!

In this introductory session, we open the treasure box on the different languages men and women speak.

If you are curious to explore how you may be showing up to the males in your life, behold an open mind to your own growth, and you are up for a bit of playful learning, then your presence is welcomed with open arms!!

School Holiday Program – September 2024

Are you looking for something different to do over the September holidays?

Here lies an opportunity to PLAY, CREATE and EXPLORE based on a farm between Korumburra & Inverloch …. including exploring various elements of this Bass Coast & South Gippsland area.

Activities include:
campfire building & story telling
beach exploration
games and play
bush craft
connecting with, and finding stillness in, nature

Food and drinks provided.

Monday 30 September – Friday 4 October (10am – 4pm each day)

enquiries via email:

$120 per day

Discount for families with more than one child attending on the same day