Planting new seeds in nature and within ourselves.

BACKinTRACKtion provides unique opportunities on farms, in nature, and in community … to become aware of the language our behaviour speaks, and to experience purpose through a hands on approach.

It is a chance to catch behaviour before it escalates into speaking a louder language … like mental health issues that leads to self harm, quiet and withdrawn (even submissive), medication to calm, and so much more.

Creating opportunities for kids doing it hard at home and school.

Learning a new language to communicate based on feelings & needs … for those who are ready to have different to yesterday and are focused on doing what it takes to drive that change in a supportive environment.



A little act .. how it can touch so deeply. How a moment between my teenage self and my Great Uncle Gordon, could bring tears this morning … as I looked across at a huge tree with its branches, filled with green leaves, sweeping the ground. A…

Listening – or not!

Conversation MUST have a TALKER & a LISTENER ... who are present to themselves and their FEELINGS, NEEDS, and their MESSAGE … to be WORTHY of our time & energy, their time & energy ... and an HONEST world to live in. So,…

An honouring of NO and it’s value

The web being noticed ....   If we are unable to RECEIVE someone else’s NO, how can we GIVE our own NO? This, for me, highlights the relationship between GIVING and RECEIVING. We must understand, accept and appreciate one – to…

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We offer initiatives and innovative down to earth opportunities that provide young people with a sense of purpose and a chance to find direction and meaning that will both challenge and inspire.