BACKinTRACKtion offers a farming place (and nature immersion) for people to come closer to themselves … when everything else they have tried has not worked.
BACKinTRACKtion is available for individuals
BACKinTRACKtion is a resource for schools and families to tap into, to learn a connecting way to …
that brings CONNECTION for all involved.
The skill of listening to understand is at the forefront.
Together, let’s explore options in how we see and respond to behaviour…. including what we think, say, do and believe.”
BACKinTRACKtion – individuals
BACKinTRACKtion connects with young people aged 7-25 (and their families – where possible), who are struggling with mental health and hence, life.
They may have tried ending their life to end the confusion, hopelessness or hurt – or had thoughts of wanting to take this option.
They may be the quiet or loud ones, the high achiever ones, or those who just feel lost … sailing through each day with no meaning OR the opposite – total overwhelm.
BACKinTRACKtion – schools
BACKinTRACKtion is an alternative for schools in how they could stand in and respond to behaviour – both in the classroom and yard.
BACKinTRACKtion – families
BACKinTRACKtion connects with families who are ready for different to yesterday… where family members may be experiencing, or have experienced:
- communication break down
- behaviour feeling out of control
- feelings being suppressed